Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using your services?

Simply put, with The Marketing Legal you have the benefit of working with people who have experience in the legal directories and as part of a law firm marketing and business development team and the insights and inside knowledge from both. We speak your language and speak the language of the directories.

When should we use the submission review service?

The submission review is for when you’d just like a bit of feedback.

You have submitted for a few years but feel there is room for improvement and are not willing to splash out for the expensive feedback reports offered by the directories.

When should we use the submission editing service?

This submission editing service is useful when you lack resources in the team to dedicate time to submissions, and feel there is room for improvement in the firm's ranking or the inclusion of particular individuals.

If you have been using the same template for years, but don’t know where to start in terms of improvements, it’s a good opportunity to refresh your content.

When should we use the full submission service?

The full submission service is for areas you haven’t submitted to before or haven’t submitted to for a number of years.

This is a useful service for firms that lack the resources on the team to put together a full submission.

How do the submissions services work?

We tailor our services to your needs, but we do have standard procedures for each service.

Submission Review

  • You provide us with a finished submission

  • We provide detailed annotations highlighting what you are doing right and suggestions on what can be improved

Submission Edits

  • You provide us with a submission from last year with the matters you’d like to include this year and any practice group updates.

  • We edit it in a researcher-friendly way to maximise the chances of promotion and ranking of individuals.

  • We put together clear evidence based ranking arguments, highlighting the firm’s strengths in comparison to firms in the target band or tier.

  • Interview prep is included if required

 Full Submission

  • You provide the list of matters you’d like to include and information on the composition of the team.

  • We put together the whole submission with the cooperation of the relevant teams and contact points.

  • Interview prep is included if required.

What is a Rankings Report?

A Rankings Report is a way to monitor changes in a directory from year to year. The directories offer this as a separate product otherwise law firms have to compile these manually.

We can put together a report that collates rankings, editorials and all information from the practice areas you’ve submitted to ready for launch day and we will conduct an analysis of all the key changes, ready for your press releases and communications.

What is your stance on confidentiality?

We take confidentiality incredibly seriously.

All data sent between the firm and The Marketing Legal is deemed as confidential. This includes, but is not limited to, all information within the submissions, documents, terminology, annotations, comments, and document coding, whether in electronic or hardcopy format.

Beyond this, we are happy to enter into an NDA agreement if the firm deems this necessary.

Do you use AI content?

An emphatic “NO”.

We do not use AI to produce any content for clients. Not only is it lazy, AI simply cannot produce acceptable results; for legal directories, website content or social media.