Legal Directories

We will help you to put your best foot forward. We will also save you time. Whether you want to find out where you’re going wrong or you require someone to take the load off your back, we have a service for you.

Legal Directories Consultancy

Find the service that suits your needs

We offer a range of services, from a simple submission review to full project management of your submissions process. Learn more about legal directory submissions here.

Submission Review

The Submission Review is for when you’d just like a bit of feedback.

You have submitted for a few years but feel there is room for improvement and are not willing to splash out for the expensive feedback reports offered by the directories.

You provide us with a finished submission. We provide annotations highlighting what you are doing right and what can be improved.

Submission Edits

This Submission Edit service is useful when you lack resources in the team to dedicate time to submissions, and feel there is room for improvement in the firm's ranking or the inclusion of particular individuals.

If you have been using the same template for years, but don’t know where to start in terms of improvements, it’s a good opportunity to refresh your content.

You provide us with a submission from last year with the matters you’d like to include this year and any practice group updates. We edit it in a researcher-friendly way to maximise the chances of promotion and ranking of individuals. We put together clear evidence based ranking arguments, highlighting the firm’s strengths in comparison to firms in the target band or tier. Interview prep is included if required.

Full Submission

The Full Submission service is for areas you haven’t submitted to before or haven’t submitted to for a number of years.

This is a useful service for firms that lack the resources on the team to put together a full submission.

You provide the list of matters you’d like to include and information on the composition of the team. We put together the whole submission with the cooperation of the relevant teams and contact points. Interview prep is included if required.

Project Management

We manage the submissions process from start to finish creating standard operating procedures to make the process seamless. We will put together a task sheet, keep on top of upcoming deadlines, reach out to the relevant internal stakeholders and put together your submissions.

We’ll help you submit, we’ll handle communications with the directories and ensure your firm is in the best position to be ranked and promoted.

Ready to supercharge your law firm’s directory submissions and awards? Contact us today to discuss your needs.